Robert Cambrinus wins Grand Prix with A DAD at Poznan´s Animator Festival
Great News from Poland: A DAD by Robert Cambrinus was awarded with The Golden Pegasus at Poznan´s Animator Festival. Congratilations !
to the jury-statement
ATELIER DE CONVERSATION (Bernhard Braunstein) wins SPECIAL JURY PRICE at Karlovy Vary IFF
At the closing ceremony of the 52. Karlovy Vary International Film Festival the wonderful documentary ATELIER DE CONVERSATION, directed by Bernhard Braunstein (AT, FR, LI 2017) was awarded with the Documentary Special Jury Price. Congratulations to Bernhard and his team to this well-deserved recognition !
Bady Minck Spezial und viele weitere sixpackfilme bei dotdotdot 2017
Wiens einziges Sommer-Open-Air-Kino, das sich zur Gänze dem Kurzfilm verschrieben hat, eröffnet diese Woche sein Programm. Im idyllischen Garten des Volkskundemuseums laufen bem diesjährigen dotdotdot in den kommenden 21/2 Monaten eine Fülle an kurzen und mittellangen Filmen aller Genres, oft in Anwesenheit der Filmschaffenden. Neben der grossen Dichte an Arbeiten aus dem sixpackfilm-Verleih freuen wir uns auch auf ein Spezial mit der Luxembourgisch-Österreichischen Künstlerin Bady Minck, im Zuge dessen auch ihr jüngster Film MappaMundi erstmals in Wien zu sehen sein wird. Programmdetail und Termine auf der dotdotdot-Seite
sixpackfilm @ Karlovy Vary Film Festival 2017
Good news from Karlovy Vary (30.6.-8.7.2017): ATELIER DE CONVERSATION by Bernhard Braunstein celebrates its International Premiere as part of the Documentary Competition , Fuddy Duddy (Siegfried Frühauf), keep that dream burning (Rainer Kohlberger) and IMPASSENGER (Ben Pointeker) show up together within the Imagina-Section, the last as its World Premiere !
KVIFF – program and schedule
Robert Cambrinus wins audience award in Hamburg with A DAD
Wonderful news: Robert Cambrinus´ DADA-Hommage A DAD wins the Audience Award in the Deframed-Section at the Internationalen Shortfilmfestival Hamburg. Congratulations to Robert and all other award-winners!
INDEX-DVD Nr.49: FRIEDL KUBELKA VOM GRÖLLER – One Is Not Enough. Photography & Film
Buch // DVD // Magazin
Edited by Dietmar Schwärzler
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König and INDEX Edition
The heart of Friedl Kubelka´s photographic work (who as a filmmaker goes by the name of Friedl vom Gröller) is constituted by portraiture . whether she captures friends, acquaintances, family members, filmmakers, artists or simply clients, each for the most part gazing directly into the camera. Since 1972 to the present, Kubelka has also placed herself in front of the camera for her project Jahresportraits (Yearly Portraits) in which she mercilessly documents the process of aging.
order directly at INDEX-DVD
Decomposing Nazi Phraseology
In the second half of the 1970s Alfred Kaiser was entirely unknown to the film world when he went public with two films, namely A Third Reich (1975) and A Third Reich from Its Refuse (1977). Both compilation films bridge the threshold between avant-garde and documentary cinema and were enthusiastically received by audiences and film critics alike upon their release. To this day, these two closely related films occupy
a place of particular significance in the history of Austrian cinema, not least due to their subject matter and compositional virtuosity.
VIS Vienna Shorts 2017
Kühle Tage in klimatisierten Kinoräumen! Das Vienna Shorts Festival VIS17 eröffnet am 1.6.2017 seine Pforten und zeigt am kommenden Pfingstwochenende wieder einen umfangreichen Querschnitt durch das internationale Kurzfilmschaffen. Mit dabei wieder eine Reihe von Filmen aus dem sixpackfilm-Verleih, die im Zuge des Festivals ihre Wien-Premieren feiern werden, darunter FUDDY DUDDY von Siegfried Fruhauf, TOUTES DIRECTIONS von Billy Roisz und Dieter Kovacic, Nachsaison von Daniela Leitner oder keep that dream burning von Rainer Kohlberger, um hier nur einige zu nennen. Das genaue Programm finden Sie hier
Gesondert sei auf die Personale MAKINO TAKASHI (in Kollaboration mit dem Filmmuseum) und auf das aktuelle Programm der Living Collection-Reihe EXZESS PUR hingewiesen.
VoD - gratis-online im Dezember 2017 bei FLIMMIT
PAWEL UND WAWEL von Krzysztof Kaczmarek. Ein ungewöhnliches und unterhaltsames Roadmovie durch Island und die Färöer-Insel ist unser Film des Monats, den man im Dezember als GRATIS STREAM bei Flimmit schauen kann: PAWEL & WAWEL.
Viel Vergnügen !
sixpackfilm @ Oberhausen 2017
Four films in competitions and a market-program: We are more than happy to announce this fantastic presence of sixpackfilm at the reknowed Oberhausen Short Film Festival (may 11.-16.). Katrina Daschner´s Horse Boobs and Josef Dabernig´s Stabat Mater have been selected for the International Competition, Fishing is not done on Tuesdays by Marcel Odenbach & Lukas Marxt will play in the German Competition and finally Lukas has another work as part of the regional NRW-section: Circular Inscription
Last not least sixpackfilm has been invited again to present a selection of recent experimentals in a distributor’s screening on friday, may 12th at 8pm. Details on the Festival´s page
Millenium Doc Against Gravity: 3 film in competition plus retrospective Bady Minck
The supurb Millenium Doc Against Gravity Film Festival in Warsaw selected Michael Palm’s Cinema Futures, Those Shocking Shaking Days by Selma Doborac and MappaMundi , latest movie by Bady Minck, into their competitions. Furtheron a retrospective will be dedicated to the Luxembourg-Austrian Artist Bady Minck. Details on the festival program here