"Smells like Teen Spirit" im Kino - Eine Empfehlung !

CinemaNEXT bringt 2 Coming-of-Age Kurzfilme in die Kinos: Erdbeerland von Florian Pochlatko, ausgezeichnet als bester österreichischer Kurzfilm 2013 und Her mit dem schönen Leben von Johanna Moder, deren erster Langfilm seine Premiere jüngst bei der Berlinale gefeiert hat. Ab 17.3.2014 in den österreichischen Kinos. Kinos und Termine hier
Eine dringliche Kino-Empfehlung

Trespass (Paul Wenninger) wins at Angers

Paul Wenninger´s Trespass continues his successful festivalcareer and wins the Prix Format Court for the Plans Animés section at Premiere Plans Festival in Angers. Congratulations to Paul and his team !

VALIE EXPORT at Finnish Film Archive as part of DocPoint Helsinki

Austrian Media-Artist VALIE EXPORT is invited with lecture and two programs to this year´s DocPoint Documentary Film Festival Helsinki. From Janaury 31st 2014 at the Finnish Film Archive: Vanishing Point

Earth´s Golden Playground wins Best Documentary at Max Ophüls Awards Saarbrücken

Great news and Congratulationen to Andeas Horvath for beiing awarded Best Documentary for Earth Golden Playground at this year´s Max Ophüls Preis in Saarbrücken!!!

Austrain Acedemy Award for Best Short: "Erdbeerland"

Erdbeerland/Maybes by Florian Poschlatko has been awarded Best Austrian Short 2013 by the Austrian Film Academy. Many congratulations to Florian and his team as well to all the other award-winners!

sixpack-films @ Berlinale 2014

Fantastic news: two recent films from sixpackfilm´s distribution have been selected into the Shorts Competition of upcoming “Berlinale 2014”: : Darkroom by Billy Roisz and “Optical Sound”: by Elke Groen and Christian Neubacher. Furtheron the Forum Expanded dedicates a whole program to new films by Austrian film artist Friedl vom Groeller. Also congratulation to all Austrian directors and producers whose films will be premiered at this year´s Berlinale in all sections !

Earth´s Golden Playground @ Saarbrücken

Andreas Horvath´s latest film Earth´s Golden Playground has been selected into Documentary-Competition of the upcoming Max Ophüls Festival in Saarbrücken/Germany.

"Perfect Garden" by Mara Mattuschka & Chris Haring celebrates international premiere in Rotterdam

Several sixpack-films have been selected for the upcoming Rotterdam Filmfestival: Beside Perfect Garden and Elektro Moskva by Dominik Spritzendorfer and Elena Tikhonova these ones will run in the short film section: Creme 21 by Eve Heller, Exterior Extended by Siegfried Fruhauf sowie A Letter to Mohamed by Christine Moderbacher.

MeTube by Daniel Moshel selected for Sundance Film Festival Shorts Competition

Daniel Moshel´s successful Music-video MeTube – August sings Carmen La Habanera has been invited into the Shorts Competition of 2014 Sundance Film Festival and into the international competition of world’s biggest short film festival in Clermont-Ferrand! Gratulations, Daniel!

Ladislav Galeta 1947 - 2014

It’s with immense sadness to announce the great artist-filmmaker and unforgettable personality, Ivan Ladislav Galeta has passed away.