Oberhausen 2016 (3): Verleiher Screening sixpackfilm
Wir laden Sie herzlich zu unserm Marktprogramm während der bevorstehenden Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen am Montag, 9. Mai um 12:30 im Sunset Kino/Lichtburg ein:
Distributor´s Screening sixpackfilm:
Gabriele Mathes: Gefühl Dobermann — Marc Adrian: Orange — Claudia Larcher: SELF — Fiona Rukschcio: Ein Prozess. Das Protokoll. — Susi Jirkuff: G_Girls (Ginny + Gracie) — Lukas Marxt/Jakub Vrba: Wunderschön und ruhig gelegen — Siegfried A. Fruhauf: Vintage Print
Details zu den Filmen in unserem online-Katalog
Oberhausen 2016 (2): International Competition
Three strong (female) positions from sixpackfilm´s recent distribution program have been invited into the International Competition (IW) of upcoming Oberhausen Int. Shortfilm Festival (May 5–10, 2016):
Perlenmeere/Seas of Pearls by Katrina Daschner (IW 1), EXOMOON by Gudrun Krebitz (IW 6) and SOFERN REAL/SO FAR REAL by Mirjam Bajtala (IW 9).
Congratulations to Katrina, Gudrun and Mirjam !
Festival timetable
Oberhausen 2016 (1): Profil-program Josef Dabernig
International Shortfilm Festival Oberhausen (May 5 – 10, 2016) dedicates one of its Profil-programs to Austrian artist and filmmaker Josef Dabernig with 3 screenings and a photo exhibition.
"Those Shocking Shaking Days" wins ex aequo CROSSING EUROPE AWARD / LOCAL ARTIST
Conratulationen to Selma Doborac for receiving the Local Artist Award for her reflexive documentary Those Shocking Shaking Days at the Crossing Europe Film Festival in Linz/AT !(Ex aequo with Korida by Sinisa Vidovic)
MUSIK von Stefan Bohun auf ARTE
Stefan Bohuns preisgekrönter Kurzspielfilm Musik feiert am Freitag, 15. April 2016 seine TV-Premiere.
ARTE / Kurzschluss, ab 23.25h. Watch out for it !
Architecture Films by Karl-Heinz Klopf at BAFICI Festival in Buenos Aires
BAFICI Buenos Aires Festival Internacional de Cinema Independiente (April 12.-24.2016) gives special attention to Austrian artist and filmmaker Karl-Heinz Klopf with 3 programs of his architecture films”. Beside his latest films A Tropical House (2015) and Tower House (2013), which are distributed by sixpackfilm one can see also his earlier works. Program in detail & schedule at BAFICI-site
Two sixpackfilm-Carte Blanche programs at the Dresden Shortfilmfest
We are extremely happy about the tribute given to sixpackfilm with two Carte Blanche programs at the upcoming Dresden International Short Film Fest (April 12-17, 2016):
SUPERHIGHSPEEDSLOWMOTION und Where the streets have no name.
Focus on Austria @ GoShort Nijmegen 2016
Netherland´s International Short Film Festival at Nijmegen GoShort (April 6-10, 2016) dedicates their country focus to Austria, including a program of recent experimentals from sixpackfilm. We feel very honoured !
program details here
Elisabeth Büttner (30.12.1961 – 28.2.2016)
Wir trauern um Elisabeth Büttner, die nach längerer schwerer Krankheit am letzten Februarsonntag gestorben ist. Sie hat als Kuratorin, Autorin, Wissenschafterin, Mitglied der Auswahlkommission und schließlich des Vorstands seit den frühen 1990er-Jahren mit uns zusammen gearbeitet. Ihre Genauigkeit im Konzipieren und Sprechen, ihre inhaltliche Kompetenz und ihre supervisorischen Qualitäten, ihre Dynamik und ihr Witz werden uns sehr fehlen.
Diagonale 2016: Awards for "sixpackfilm-artists"
Congratulations to Kurdwin Ayub (für Paradies! Paradies! -> Best Camera Doc) , Maria Luz Olivares Capelle (Forest of Echoes -> Best Short Fiction + Thomas Pluch Script Award) und Selma Doborac (Those Shocking Shaking Days -> Best Sound Doc) as well as to all the other award-winners at this year´s Diagonale – Festival of Austrian Film !