Four times each year, current Austrian films and videos (maximum of six months after completion) can be submitted to sixpackfilm. After a group viewing, an independent jury selects the works sixpackfilm will submit to relevant festivals around the world.

Works are considered Austrian if they have an “Austrian” connection through the author (place of birth or residence) or if public funds from Austria are part of the production.

Production or distribution of video installations or audiovisual works that must be presented as part of a live event will not be possible. Submission to festivals will not be possible for productions for advertising purposes and videos produced for the sole purpose of promoting musical, theatrical, dance or performance works to the extent that they possess no independent aesthetic value.

Submission deadlines 2025:

March 9th
June 8th
September 7th
November 9th

The following materials must be included in submissions:

  • Online-link for preview purposes
  • Description of the work (format, length, credits, brief synopsis or text)
  • Brief biography
  • Contact address, including telephone number & email!

Send submissions to:

Neubaugasse 45/13
1070 Vienna, Austria

selection comitee:

Rainer Frimmel
Lisa Heuschober
Nicole Kandioler
Markus Keuschnigg
Gabriele Mathes
Stefanie Reisinger-Poovathinkal 
Dietmar Schwärzler
Daniela Zahlner