Searching for traces

Tue June 21, 2005, 19:00 h

The art scene is the starting point for Grosse Liebe, an early, smug film by Ferry Radax, in which a young painter loses his patron and lover in a mysterious car accident. As he searches for clues at the scene of the accident, he arrives at a gate that leads him into a kind of afterlife. Acoustically, Josef Dabernig's Rosa coeli leads us into a cave or tube - the maw of memory, the abyss of oblivion. A man returns to the place of his childhood, a Moravian village. His father has died, which is the reason for the journey. It triggers a maelstrom of associations about returning, about family. Verschlossene Stube by Theresia Grösslinger blurs and falsifies the traces of a personal family history - the death of the grandmother - in favor of the unfolding of a poetic texture that aims at the universality of death without tipping over into garrulous nihilistic kitsch or bizarre morbidity.

Great Love (Ferry Radax, 1966, 19 min.)
Rosa coeli (Josef Dabernig, 2003, 24 min.) 
Closed Quarters (Theresia Grösslinger, 2004, 27 min.)

ein Programm von sixpackfilm

in Anwesenheit von den Filmemacher:innen