Inspired by

Wed Jan. 19, 2011, 19:00 h

Inspiration, association and reference are the working principles that serve as proven creative sources for this program. Nevertheless, the output is shaped in very different ways, with the sound level playing a prominent role in almost all of the works.

From the strictly analog handling of the symphonic instrumentation of the Swedish composer Lars Johan Werlein Vargtimmen, sophisticated electronic sounds in Close your eyes (dieb 13) and Ur-Geräusch (Scanner) to soundscape-like sound installations in Camping Cezanne, the sound space multiplies the image space considerably. This also includes linguistic fragments (e.g. a text excerpt by Rilke from 1919) or a short text collage.

Albert Sackl pays tribute to the contemporary artist Martin Arnold: the approach in "pièce touchée" is to recreate the stuttering effect of Arnold's dismembered Hollywood images by a man and a woman in a functionless space through sometimes minimal changes in body position. (Ute Katschthaler)

Close your eyes (Billy Roisz, 2009, 13 min.)
Ur-Geräusch (Katarina Matiasek, 2007, 14 min.)
after "pièce touchée" (Albert Sackl, 1998, 9 min.)
Vargtimmen - Based on a scene by Ingmar Bergman (Georg Tiller, 2010, 6 min.)
Camping Cezanne (Thomas Steiner, 2010, 9 min.)

im Anschluss Gespräch mit den anwesenden Filmemacher:innen

ein Programm von sixpackfilm

Inspired by (Image)