A small gas stove ignites and provides warmth. In Helin Çelik’s ANQA, a history of violence, biographies of women, and the depiction of a personal “safe zone” are closely interwoven. The “safe zone” are apartment spaces in which three women from the Middle East, who have experienced abuse and domestic violence …
“Goodbye forever,” he says as he leaves the apartment. Gerhard is an early retiree; a mysterious illness affects his mobility. He sells his apartment in Vienna and moves to Chiang Mai to be with his girlfriend Amy, a taxi driver. He lives there with her and her family, with the money left from his liquidated Austrian existence intended…
"Man kann einmal, zweimal oder dreimal zu einer Ungerechtigkeit schweigen. Aber dann muss man was dagegen tun."
Leyla Ariz
WIDERSTANDSMOMENTE von Jo Schmeiser, der Gewinnerfilm des This Human World Film Festival 2019, läuft nach Pandemiebedingter Verschiebung nun endlich in den österreichischen Kinos.
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-> 15. + 16. Mai,…
Kinostart des mehrfach ausgezeichneten Debutfilms von Milena Czernovsky & Lilith Kraxner:
„Schwierig zu sagen, was den Film so witzig, so unterhaltsam, so anders als viele andere macht. Seine außergewöhnliche Bildsprache (Antonia de Ia Luz Kašik), seine tolle Hauptdarstellerin (Eva Sommer), die vermeintl…