Anna is a portrait of Anna Rheinsberg, and an attempt by Christanell to see herself in her friend: What do women of a certain age have in common, whatconstitutes femininity? One answer would be the objects in one’s life, and what one does with them.
(Olaf Möller)
A young woman who is in her early to mid twenties and exceptionally attractive is confronted with some old photographs. On the historical level, Linda Christanell shows us the tragedy of our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who were forced to wither away in the background in what are termed "woman´s roles." On the portrait level, we experience Anna´s criticism of our collective past, her attempts to liberate herself, and how she defines herself.
(Lisbeth Waechter-Böhm)
The film creates optical symbols on the theme "womanhood." Typical female surroundings are shown, as they are: females inside the house, a life full of glamour, fascination by the world of men.
Lisbeth Waechter-Böhm zu Anna von Linda Christanell
Auf der historischen Inhaltsebene hält uns Linda Christanell die Tragödie unserer Mütter, Großmütter, Urgroßmütter vor Augen: Die hinter den Vorhängen eines Fensters in einer sog. "Frauenrolle" verkommen mußten. Auf der Ebene des Porträts erleben wir die Kritik der Protagonistin Anna an unserer kollektiven Vergangenheit, ihre Befreiungs- und Ausbruchsversuche, auch ihre Identifikation. (Lisbeth Waechter-Böhm, 1983)
1980 - 1981
40 min