Hands vigorously pull scraps of paper from an antiquated printing press, while their owner remains invisible. Then Mimi Minus and a razor blade - the incident is still shocking. The shrouded head, wrapped in muslin, reappears, and black paint is daubed over the top. (…) (Stephan Settele) For Mattuschka writing always also implies image, in other words drawing or a typographic process and therefore the trace of a physical gesture. In the short film the artist describes as an "ode to IBM," Ball-Head, the body itself is turned into a machine, the head a matrix. A spectacular event takes place early on: In a jerky live-action animation sequence in high-contrast black-and-white, Mattuschka shaves her head with a razor blade, which cuts the skin, producing bloody cola red matter. (Christa Blümlinger) WATCH FILM ON YOUTUBE