Tatjana is a 93 years old painter who is slowly losing her eyesight. She tries to adapt to a changing landscape that is becoming more challenging with each day. Even though her world gets shrouded with shadows, the painter in her tries to figure out the different layers of colours that are left in it. Christiana Perschon creates her film while observing how the eyes of Tatjana reshape the world that she has known all her life. Thus the two women become like partners while each working on their own creative projects. The world once again becomes an uncharted territory where hands and eyes are the primary tools in order to get the process of experience going again. But light and darkness do not battle each other this time: they gaze at each other in silent astonishment. (Giona A. Nazzaro, Visions du Réel 2014)
With formal consistency the filmmaker gives room for the inner life of an aging artist. The creator is searching for haptic pictures and makes the perception of the artist visually experiencable despite any dramatization. (Best Austrian Short Film VIS Vienna Shorts 2014 Jury)
Jury Statement - VIS Vienna Independent Shorts 2014 (Award)
Best Austrian Short Film VIS Vienna Shorts 2014
Jury Statement
29 min