33/77 No Danube
Keine Donau (No Danube) is Kren´s Room With a View. We see almost identical views of a courtyard which Kren overlaps through multiple exposure. The sun laughs and at the same time the sky is cloudy; snow covers the rooftops and at the same time summer-like light seems to pour over the picture. Now and then ghostly images of human figures appear, which are then quickly swallowed by time again. The individual exposures cover one another like impressionist veils without obscuring each other. Occasinally the fragile connection appears to fall apart when the film is not correctly transported in the camera and the picture becomes unruly and starts to quiver.
(Michael Palm: "Which Way? Drei Pfade durchs Bild-Gebüsch von Kurt Kren," in:(ed.) H. Scheugl, Ex Underground Kurt Kren. Seine Filme, Vienna 1996)