One out of Eight
One out of eight women will fall ill with breast cancer at some point in her life. During a chemotherapy session, actress Frederike befriends tram driver Marijana. They share their fears, hopes and longings; They inspire one another through their senses of humor. Meanwhile, their battle against a life-threatening cancer demands grave decisions.
Frederike finds a lump in her breast- The appointment book at her gynecologist is full. The intern of duty sends her on her way. When she finally manages to make an appointment, the diagnosis is breast cancer, a malignant tumor in the mammary glands. In Austria one of every eight women gets breast cancer at some time in her life. This particular type is statistically the most common form of cancer among women and about 5.000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Approximately 1.700 women lose the battle.
You have to write your story down, her best friends tell her. After struggling with empty pages on which nothing seems to want to take shape, Frederike decides to make a film about herself and her illness. Who should she discuss it with? What approach should she use? Frederike is an actor at Graz´s Schauspielhaus. Together with Sabine Derflinger she starts work on a documentary about her illness.
the film:
The remarkable story of its creation is told in a remarkable film on which the protagonists, Frederike and Marijana, collaborated as equals. Each with her own camera, they filmed their daily lives independently of the actual shooting, thereby choosing for themselves the degree of intensity and the amount of openness and discretion, which allowed them to achieve a special kind of authenticity.
Derflinger already employed this power and remarkable style successfully in her film "Platz" and it enabled the creation of images for one out of 8 that have never been seen in theaters before.
(Production note)
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Eine von 8
90 min