In the video to the song Sinus_passage by the group Fuckhead, pictures generate from sounds. An "audio machine" sends acoustic data signals to a "video machine" whose software reshapes the sound into symbolic views. Sinus_passage thus concentrates on the essentials of the digital principle, namely, the ability to reduce the world and things into numbers and then transform these into other forms. The interdependent relationship of image and sound as a form of communication between computer programs presents the principle of the video: as an induction control loop, the sound plane causes the image production through the detour of digital translation. In this way, abstract, graphic depictions arise. As though one were standing too close to an oversized picture screen, the events remain undecipherable. Lines, points, and thick strokes in a black and white pattern extend horizontally and vertically across the screen. Sometimes it is possible to imagine structures, fragments of typographical ornaments. A minimalist sound track hovers over the searching movements of a virtual video camera. This exploration is found again in the sounds, which are reminiscent of a radio´s automatic search for a station.
Sinus_passage takes strict mathematical guidelines as the basis for artistic output, an established process in electronic music as well as in experimental film and video art, which leads here to a pleasurable sight and sound experience: the synthetic sounds and their graphic equivalents suggest a tactile composition, which opens the picture surface to rhythmic spaces.
(Andrea Pollach)
Translation: Lisa Rosenblatt
5 min